Photobook 1.0 - 2021/2022
LABi³ organised an international teaching event in the winter semester 2021/22. The prototype for this teaching project was developed together with international partners in the first kick-off meeting in autumn of 2020. More than 50 students from Albania, Colombia, Finland, Hungary, and Germany illustrated country-specific examples of sustainable circular economy in the form of a photobook. Equipped with their camera, teams of students documented examples of circular economy in their immediate surroundings and analyse the specific concept and deduce common factors of circular economy. Sustainability, drafts of the photobook as well as completed chapters of it were discussed and presented in joint online teaching events; especially the interaction and discussion were facilitated live by digital communication platforms. A second round with an adapted concept will be carried out in the winter semester 2022/23.
Examples of the different student groups from all countries are published here in regular intervals.
- Two students from Tampere University (Finland) illustrate different solutions and strategies in urban planning to reach sustainable circular economy throughout the Tampere region. Much pleasure by reading the project “urban design” of the group environmental engineers.
- At Hochschule Hannover a group of four students with a broad international background present the ideal treatment of wastewater and compare the standard in Germany with examples from Vietnam and Indonesia. Enjoy reading the photobook project “Same water” from the group Hydro Heroes!
- From the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin (Colombia) a group of 6 students, including a German exchange student from Hochschule Hannover, documented an example of the bicycle rental system "EnCicla" that was set up by the Medellin Metro. You are invited to read this motivating chapter!
- And last but definitely not least, a group of five students from Obuda University in Budapest (Hungary) documented an example from the textile industry on the recycling of fabric waste in hosiery production. The group called themselves "hosiereycle". An exciting introduction video of the group and their photobook chapter can be found below. Take a look at this creative team!