LABi³ - international, interdisciplinary, innovative

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What is LABi³?



Photobook 1.0 - 2021/2022

LABi³ organised an international teaching event in the winter semester 2021/22. The prototype for this teaching project was developed together with international partners in the first kick-off meeting in autumn of 2020. More than 50 students from Albania, Colombia, Finland, Hungary, and Germany illustrated country-specific examples of sustainable circular economy in the form of a photobook. Equipped with their camera, teams of students documented examples of circular economy in their immediate surroundings and analyse the specific concept and deduce common factors of circular economy. Sustainability, drafts of the photobook as well as completed chapters of it were discussed and presented in joint online teaching events; especially the interaction and discussion were facilitated live by digital communication platforms. A second round with an adapted concept will be carried out in the winter semester 2022/23.

Examples of the different student groups from all countries are published here in regular intervals.

  1. Two students from Tampere University (Finland) illustrate different solutions and strategies in urban planning to reach sustainable circular economy throughout the Tampere region. Much pleasure by reading the project “urban design” of the group environmental engineers.
  2. At Hochschule Hannover a group of four students with a broad international background present the ideal treatment of wastewater and compare the standard in Germany with examples from Vietnam and Indonesia. Enjoy reading the photobook project “Same water” from the group Hydro Heroes!
  3. From the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin (Colombia) a group of 6 students, including a German exchange student from Hochschule Hannover, documented an example of the bicycle rental system "EnCicla" that was set up by the Medellin Metro. You are invited to read this motivating chapter!
  4. And last but definitely not least, a group of five students from Obuda University in Budapest (Hungary) documented an example from the textile industry on the recycling of fabric waste in hosiery production. The group called themselves "hosiereycle".  An exciting introduction video of the group and their photobook chapter can be found below. Take a look at this creative team!


Project presentations

Photobook 2.0 - 2022/23

The second round of the Photobook project took place in winter semester 2022/23. On the basis of student evaluations from the first round, the project was adapted and further developed. In particular, the students' wish to work more in interdisciplinary and international groups was implemented. A total of 28 students from 6 different universities were able to choose from 6 different topics and were divided into groups.

These groups were supervised by one or two teachers from the different universities. An interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue took place, which contributed to the successful implementation of the project, the presentation of the project results and the creation of illustrated chapters on the topic of sustainable circular economy.



The exchange students Klitjana Zarka and Floron Jahaj, both from the Agricultural University of Tirana, talk about their intercultural experience in the photobook project.

Research and Learning Development

Innovative Teamwork and Teaching - Design Thinking

The method of design thinking facilitates setting free the innovative potential in everyone: Challenges are examined from the perspective of a specific target group to comprehensively illuminate underlying facts and possibilities. Subsequently, problem-solving begins: Creative techniques enable everyone to think outside the box, make new connections, and turn abstract ideas into reality. Problem-solving prototypes are designed and tested adequately. Whenever tasks become complex and different groups of people are involved, the design thinking process provides immense added value.

LABi3 applies the method of design thinking to establish prototypes for innovative international teaching formats together with partner universities and faculties of the Hochschule Hannover on the topic of sustainable circular economy.

LABi3 implements design thinking in teaching to inspire and motivate students to independently develop ideas and set up concepts for research projects with the goal of improving the sustainable footprint of bioprocesses. The method enables the students to work in a collaborative atmosphere associated with lively communication.

Exchange Programme

LABi³ - International Students Share Their Experience

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Tejsa Shehaj from the Agricultural University Tirana, Albania reports on her semester abroad at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. As part of the LABi³ project, she conducted her Master's thesis in the laboratories of Food Packaging Technology.

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Federico Munoz Correa from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), Colombia shares his experience at the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. As part of the LABi³ project, he has conducted research into the production of yoghurt from soya milk.

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Fjoralba Grifsha and Kristjan Cani, both from the Agricultural University Tirana in Albania, talk about their impressions and experiences of their exchange semester. With the support of LABi3 they have carried out projects on agri-food technology and renewable energies at the Hochschule Hannover.

LABi3 stands for broad international exchange. Albania, Hungary, Finland and Colombia are the countries where we send students and where our exchange students come from. In addition to student exchange, we also have the opportunity to invite staff from or send staff to these countries. Due to the very special situation in the last semesters, we developed hybrid settings to give the students the additional experience of being abroad. Despite the difficulty of lockdown, we were very lucky to have international students here in Germany to discover intercultural diversity first hand. One tool for this is the “Diary of Foreignness” which every LABi3 students has to write as a basis for common intercultural discovery.

For more information click below!
