Piston machines include the areas of combustion engines, compressors and pumps.
In addition to the lecture on Piston Machines I, the corresponding practical exercises take place in the laboratory. Using application-oriented examples, in this case pump and compressor test bench, the students learn to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the lecture and to assess the function of the machines in real tests.
The compulsory elective module Piston Machines II also includes the practical laboratory exercise, here the performance data of a petrol and diesel engine are determined on the engine test bench. This includes, among other things, the fuel consumption, the performance and the exhaust gas values of the unit to be tested. The prerequisite for this is a good transfer knowledge of the students in the area of thermodynamics and measurement technology. The knowledge from the lectures Piston Machines II and the thermodynamics lectures can be applied practically in this case as well. The experiment is carried out by the students on their own after thorough instructions. This promotes teamwork and independence.
Project work - from friction and wear examinations to the beer crate runner - is always carried out. The Bachelor's and Master's theses are mainly offered in cooperation with industrial companies.