Linking higher education and in-company training
The degree course is linked with in-company and inter-company training. During the 1st first part of the degree course, students spend three days a week in company training and additionally during the lecture-free period. The knowledge required for successful completion of training at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) is imparted during training at the vocational school (BBS).
The 1st part of the course ends after four semesters. At the same time, the training is completed with the IHK examination. The 2nd The second part of the course consists of two semesters of full-time education and one semester for the Bachelor's thesis.
During the lecture-free period between the 6th and 7th semesters, students spend approximately six weeks studying at a partner university abroad (summer session). Business administration content is taught in English according to the Anglo-Saxon style. This stay is sponsored by the companies.