Applied Computer Science (MIN)

Application-oriented and scientifically sound

The four-semester Master's course in "Applied Computer Science" serves to complement and deepen professional knowledge that qualifies students for a managerial position in a company and in the public sector or for research work. The Master's degree opens up access to higher civil service and to doctoral studies at a university.

The master programme in Applied Computer Science is generally taught in German. Only selected modules are available in English for short-term exchange students. For admission as a regular student, a DSH 2 certificate (or equivalent) is required.

Applications are made via a procedure of the Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Information for International Students

The bachelor's programme in Media Design Computing is generally taught in German. Only selected modules are available in English for short-term exchange students. For admission as a regular degree-seeking student, a DSH 2 certificate (or equivalent) is required. Please refer to the following pages for further information.

 (including language requirements and application process)

 (including contact information)

Brief overview

  • Degree

    Master of Science (MSc)

  • Start of studies

    Summer and winter semester

  • Subject group
    Informatik, MINT
  • Form of study

    Full-time and part-time

  • Admissions procedure

    local limited-access

  • Field of interest
    Computer sciences, Mathematics, Media, MINT, Technology, Information
  • Focal Themes

    2 von 4: IT-Sicherheit, Komplexe Softwaresysteme, Computergrafik, Data Science


  • Pre-study internship


Focus points of the course

  • Computer graphics

    The "Computer Graphics" specialisation deals with the topics of 3D real-time computer graphics (real-time rendering), geometric modelling, computer vision (image processing) and scientific visualisation. Basic methods and algorithms are taught (including illumination models, virtual camera, free-form surfaces, pattern recognition), which are used by the students in demanding projects using powerful graphics hardware and current software libraries. Applications of computer graphics can be found, for example, in technical testing systems, access control systems, 3D navigation systems, computer games and in CAD/CAM-based product development.

  • IT Security

    The subject of the "IT Security" specialisation is the challenge of protecting the increasingly complex modern IT systems from the increasing threat of malicious attackers and yet keeping them efficient and usable - at all levels from the network to the computer system to the software application. For this purpose, students learn the theoretical basics and current methods of IT security. These include cryptographic techniques such as encryption and digital signatures, network security measures such as firewalls, system security measures such as authentication and authorisation, and measures for developing secure software.

  • Data Science

    The "Data Science" specialisation deals with various aspects of the management and analysis of data. Contents in the area of management include in-depth knowledge of data modelling and non-relational approaches to data storage. For example, NoSQL database systems, data warehouses, distributed relational DBMS, cloud computing or the management of geo-data are discussed. Another topic is architectures and algorithms to achieve high scalability and availability through distribution and parallelisation of database systems, e.g. for Big Data applications. In the field of data analysis, different approaches of machine learning and data mining are discussed, with a special focus on neural networks and deep learning.

  • Complex software systems

    The "Complex software systems" specialisation deals with the professional development of extensive and complex software systems. Students learn current concepts, principles, methods and processes of software development. The topics of this focus include, for example, various language paradigms, test methods, design patterns and distributed software architectures. In addition, new approaches in software development, including agile methods, domain-specific languages, complex event processing, cloud computing, mobile computing, as well as procedures and methods from the field of intelligent systems are introduced.

Here is what it offers

The Master's course is the consecutive continuation of the Bachelor's degree course of the same name. The Master's course therefore focuses on in-depth courses in theoretical as well as application-oriented subjects of computer science. Two goals are pursued with the design of the Master's course - specialisation and regional ties. Specialisation is promoted through the establishment of specialisations, which are in particularly high demand in the field of computer science.

For individual specialisation, students can currently choose two from four future-oriented specialisations according to their inclinations: Computer graphics, IT security, data science and complex software systems. To ensure a broad education, any two modules from the non-selected specialisations must also be taken. Numerous positive statements from regional and national business enterprises have shown that there is a high potential for qualified jobs for these specialisations, both currently and in the future - both in the greater Hanover area and nationwide.

For full-time students beginning their studies in the winter semester, the course of study described is recommended. Counselling is recommended for students beginning their studies in the summer semester, because this sequence is not possible then.

The language of instruction in the Master's course in Applied Computer Science is German. Individual modules can be offered in English for exchange students.

Overview of the contents of the curriculum
Overview of the contents of the curriculum

Why study with us? The reasons are aplenty!

  • Our professors are not only scientists, but have also worked in companies themselves in the past. They know the IT industry and IT research equally well.
  • We do not just teach with lectures, but you practise scientific methods together with the professors in seminars and exercises.
  • Projects associated with company and research projects are integrated into the Master's course.
  • Findings from research projects led by our professors flow into our courses.
  • Students have the opportunity to work on highly topical issues.
  • Today, many of our graduates work in professionally demanding or leading positions in the IT industry. Quite a few embark on an academic career with a subsequent doctorate.
  • It is possible to obtain a Master's double degree with one of the following partner universities:
    • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
    • Hiroshima City University, Japan
To our research projects

Objectives of the course

The application-oriented Master's course in "Applied Computer Science" aims at enabling its graduates to apply scientific methods and findings to difficult and complex problems both in practice and in research. The Master's course is intended to qualify students primarily for the following tasks:

  • Management tasks in information technology,
  • Activities in information technology research as well as
  • tasks in the higher service in a professional career in the public sector.

Course prerequisites

For admission to the Master's course in Applied Computer Science, all of the following requirements must be met:

  • Relevant first university degree qualifying for a profession, e.g. Bachelor's degree or Diplom, in a computer science degree course or a closely related degree course with a computer science component of at least 65 percent,
  • Proof of special motivation.

The exact admission requirements can be found in the admission regulations, § 2 (see below under "Further information").

According to the version of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act that came into force on 01 January 2016, there is no longer a fixed threshold grade for admission to the Master's course. The corresponding regulations for the previous threshold grade of 2.5 or 2.8 in § 2, Paragraphs 3, 4 of the Admission regulations therefore do not apply. However, the minimum number of 150 credit points in § 2, Paragraph 3 continues to apply.

Admission is granted according to the local allocation procedure. In principle, students may begin their studies in the winter semester; the application deadline is 15 July (in 2020 by 20 August). If not all places are allocated in the winter semester, it is also possible to start in the following summer semester; the application deadline is 15 January. Separate application deadlines apply to applications with foreign educational certificates.

Applicants who neither have a German university entrance qualification nor have obtained their Bachelor's degree at a German university must have sufficient knowledge of the German language. A DSH-2 certificate (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (German Language Examination for University Admission)) or an equivalent certificate is required as proof. Prospective students with foreign certificates of education can find more information here (Link).

Application procedure

In accordance with the Admission Regulations, § 3, Paragraph 2, the following documents must be enclosed with the application:

  • Final degree certificate of the Bachelor's or Diplom degree course (or a certificate of the achievements to date including average grade),
  • Curriculum vitae,
  • Letter of motivation according to § 2, Paragraph 5,
  • If applicable, proof of German language skills according to § 2, Paragraph 6.

Further information