Application for one or more exchange semesters

What are the deadlines for a semester abroad at Hochschule Hannover - University of Applied Sciences and Arts? What are the first steps? Here you will find everything you need to know about applying!

Attention! Important information!

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts fell victim to a cyber-attack in October 2023. The IT infrastructure was shut down to a large extent and has since been gradually put back online. For a while, the Incoming Team was not available via email or telephone.

We are now available via email again, please send an email to hsh-incoming(at) and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Alternatively, we are still also accepting general enquiries and questions via our Instagram 'internationals.hsh', which can be found by clicking here.

Application through our application form

For exchange studies at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts you have to apply via our application form. This form will be sent to you via email after receiving your nomination and after the nomination deadline ends. We strongly recommend that you acquire a language level of B2 in English or German before joining us at the Hochschule in order to be able to follow the course content.

The academic year is divided into two semesters:

  •     the winter semester begins on 1 September each year (ending 28 February)
  •     the summer semester begins on 1 March each year (ending: 31 August).

Detailed semester dates of Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts can be found here.

Application deadlines (hand in of the application form):

Winter semester: until 15 May

Summer semester: until 1 November


Application documents

Please enter all your personal data truthfully and completely.

You must hand in the following documents by email till the application deadline to complete your application:

  •     Letter of motivation
  •     Transcript of Records
  •     Portfolio (only for Design and Media)
  •     Pre-selection International Study Programme (only for Faculty III; document will be sent by email)

You will find condensed information on the application in our Fact Sheet.


Matriculation (enrolment) is valid for one semester.

After you have submitted your application documents (see above) in full and after the application deadline, your application will be reviewed by our respective faculty for which you have applied. You will receive an answer about the acceptance or rejection of your application via email approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

If you have any questions about the specific answer to your application, please contact the relevant International Faculty Office at our university. The International Faculty Officer of the respective faculty can give you details about the reasons for a possible rejection of your application.

You will be enrolled once your stay has been confirmed by our university and you have provided all the necessary documents:

  •     Proof of health insurance
  •     Transfer receipt for the payment of the semester fee

Health insurance

All students must provide proof of health insurance that is accepted in Germany. Contact a German statutory health insurance company in time for them to send us an electronic notification of your insurance status (M10). Either the German health insurance company will confirm to us that you already have an existing health insurance that is valid in Germany or - if your health insurance from your home country is not sufficient - the health insurance company will arrange a valid health insurance for you. In any case you have to contact a German health insurance company.

Please quote our university submission number H0000380 for this purpose.

Further information as well as contacts to health insurance companies can be found here:  (step 4).

Semester fee

Please note that some international banks charge an additional fee for the transaction to Europe.
Please take this into account and choose a correspondingly higher transfer amount.

If you have submitted your documents by the deadlines and transferred the semester fee, you will receive your CampusCard and your certificate of enrollment at the Student Center (Office of Academic Affairs, ) after your arrival.

If you would like to stay at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts for a second semester, then please contact us (hsh-incoming(at)

The steps you need to take to plan your stay after you have applied and been accepted by our university can be found on the page "Planning your stay".


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